The recent French Study Week in Switzerland was a great experience for everyone involved, especially after the trauma in Paris last year. Our students had a fantastic time and really improved their speaking skills. They had lots of French lessons, not just in class but with their French speaking families. In addition, they came back inspired after visiting various locations, including the youth ballet. Thank you to the trip organiser Miss Cerdan, and chaperones Miss Brewer and Mr Lopez for doing such a fine job. Thanks must also go to an excellent language school called Voxea, who helped us run this trip as short notice.

A really enjoyable Community Dance last night. Thank you to the Student Council and all supporting teachers, especially Miss Brewer and Mr Griebenow for doing such a great job. Thank you also to the parents who came along and had a go.

On Sunday  you’ll receive a letter about the parents evening (Three Way Conference) that takes place between 4pm and 7pm next week on Wednesday 9th. Please do your very best to be there, so that you can support your child in their learning. Progress reports will be sent home on Monday.