Hello, my name is Mr. Davis and I would like to introduce myself as your son / daughter’s ToK teacher this year. In case you are wondering, ToK stands for Theory of Knowledge and is considered to be a “flagship” course of the IB Diploma program. I’m excited to explore this course with your son / daughter as we ask and reflect on deeper questions about the origins of knowledge together. These questions are called “Knowledge Questions” and they often revolve around questions like, how do we know something to be true? And how do we know we know? So, we will examine the truth carefully, and hopefully through that examination, become more thoughtful, critical thinkers on our journeys forward in life.

If you would like to learn more about ToK please visit this wonderful resource that is loaded with information about what it’s all about: 


For more information about me, please click on this link which brings you to a letter about me and my experiences as an international educator. I hope we will meet each other soon in person! Please send me an email if you have any questions or comments. You can reach me at: t.davis@abisoman.com

Best wishes, Mr. Davis