It was lovely to see Grade 7,8 and 9 dancingĀ in today’s assembly. Whilst we don’t often join the Primary school, as we have lessons at this time, it was a real pleasure to be part of this event and be ‘one school’. It was a real joy to see all of the performances from students, who seem to have grown in confidence again this year. Going forward, the school plans to offer Dance as part of its Diploma programme and it is clear that a number of students will be well suited to this.

It was a pleasure to see Clarissa Nolido back in doing some peer tutoring this week and sharing her knowledge of French with some new students. Peer tutoring is one of the areas of development this year, which has been really well received.

Please take the opportunity to complete the recently parent survey as it will really help us get better (or continue to do well) in all that we do. Thank you if you have already completed it.

Much more to come next week. Enjoy the weekend.


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