A warm welcome to Jake (Grade 7) and Connor (Grade 9) Marshall and their family (The Rosewalls), who will be joining us in Secondary next week. I am sure that our student and parent community will support them and help them make their transition from the UK to Sohar. This is the first time abroad for the family and I know that they look forward to making friends, connecting with people, and receiving your practical tips and advice.
This afternoon’s Secondary teacher workshop activity focused on timetabling and our teachers had some deep, meaningful and constructive conversations about how we can develop our timetable and best serve the needs of students and fulfil our mission and vision. Our conversations related to time, how best to make use of it, creating opportunities, collaborating, and on effective teaching. We have already surveyed our students on this area and will use this data and our teacher recommendations to improve our timetable over the coming months.
Grade 10 and 12 exams are now running smoothly and our students said that they ‘liked the new examination space’ that we have set up. I decoded this statement as meaning “ok, we don’t really like exams, but if we really have to do them, then this is a good room and space”. Over 35 ‘external’ exams will be run in this space over the next few week. Grade 7s, 8s, 9s and 10s will also use the same space for their ‘internal’ exams.
We have just had a large shipment of furniture, some of which we will use in the Secondary school to develop the teaching areas and provide more opportunities for flexible learning. Some of the ‘furniture’ was used by the Student Council in last night’s movie screening, which was yet was another success for them after their costume parade earlier in the week. We are really happy with how they are helping the school develop. Once again, thank you to Miss Brewer for all her excellent support.
Enjoy the weekend!
Featured images include G11 making the most of technology by text marking on the screen, and teachers making timetable recommendations