This is our final week before the Primary Omani Dance Assembly and students have completed their routines and are practicing with confidence. We are sharing the time with Mr. Mohammed’s class, so the assembly promises to be packed with lots of fun.
Again, if you can supply an Al Batinah dress for your daughter, PLEASE let us know! We do have some in stock but we appreciate all the help we can get. All boys from K3-Grade 5 must have dishdashas on that day.
While working on the Omani dances, we have also started preparing for the June 10 Arts Evening and it is lovely to see our students lustily singing their hearts out while learning the steps that go with the songs. The evening is going to be great, so make sure you have it marked on your calendar now!
Secondary school – 7-9 – has been working on their hip hop numbers which will be presented at the June 4 Primary Dance Assembly – we hope to see you all there! They have, like the primaries, also commenced work on their musical numbers for the June 10 event. This includes the IGCSE students, who have also started working on their item for the choreographic competition at the British School of Muscat on June 17 (along with a couple of groups who have expressed interest about taking part). A note will shortly be going home to all potential competitors’ families providing full information about the event.
And that is the dance round up for the week! Have a great weekend everyone!