We recently surveyed all of our secondary students to get feedback on many areas related to their learning and how they feel about school. One area that we concentrated on is bullying. Whilst our survey clearly showed that there are very few instances of bullying, a few students said that they sometimes felt ‘excluded’ from social groups. We have taken this feedback seriously and Miss Marchmont has started an initiative to raise awareness and make students reach out and support each other. We will continue to work on this crucial area throughout this year and next.
IGCSE Exams start on Tuesday followed by IB Diploma exams the following week. Grade 10 are on study leave and have been working hard to prepare themselves. Whilst walking around the school, I have witnessed lots of revision games with teachers, which at least makes the learning fun. Of course, we wish both Grade 10 and 12 all the best in their forthcoming exams.
Today, many secondary students observed their peers participating in a History trial focused on establishing who was to blame for the start of World War two. The students were in role and played various historical characters, whilst Mr. Kearney acted as a judge. Though some of the students were nervous, they did very well. Thank you to Mr. Kearney for staging this excellent event. It was obvious that the students had really prepared hard and knew the facts and details.
We now have eight weeks left to go until the end of the school year – which seem to go by faster and faster. In a few weeks we will tell you more about our plans for next year. We have some great new teachers joining our team and we are very excited about it.
Enjoy the weekend!
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