We had a very close basketball game between Sohar International School and ABIS senior boys on Monday. Though we narrowly took the victory, SIS pushed us all the way. We were impressed with both teams, who showed a great level of determination and focus, but an equal degree of sportsmanship. We thanked SIS for getting involved and hope to have more games with them, and other local schools, as it is great for our students’ development. Thank you to Coach Carberry and Coach Kearney for all the work they have put in with the students.

Thank you to all the parents who attended the Student Led Conferences and/or Grade 10 and 12 exam strategy meetings on Wednesday. We hope that both events were constructive and supportive and welcome any feedback that you may have to improve them.

On Wednesday morning I delivered a presentation to Secondary students on embarrassing mistakes that have been made by students in past exams (thankfully none of ours) and talked about the importance of preparation. In the following weeks, Secondary students will be focussing on revision strategies in our advisory sessions in preparation for the end of year exams, which all grades will be involved in. Grade 7’s and 8’s will just have a ‘little taster’, and a more gentle introduction, whilst grade 9 and 11 will be doing actual past papers to help them prepare for the real thing next year.

Congratulations to Mr. Adams, who reached the grand old age of 40 today. For a bit of comedy, all Secondary students and teachers dressed in black and surprised Mr Adams with a fake funeral ceremony (to say goodbye to his life as a young man) and presented him with a walking stick. It was a funny way to end the week – though Mr. Adams would prefer to believe that life ‘begins’ at 40 rather than ‘ends’ at 40!

Enjoy the weekend.

Please see the featured image.

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