This week in Math we have been learning about Data Handling or Stastics (depending on where you come from in the world.) The main focus has been analysing the data and trying to draw/make conclusions based on what the data says. The children are very good at collecting data and presenting it, but we need more practice at drawing conclusions. We measured everyone in the class to come up with the heights of boys and girls in Grade 3.
On the morning of International Evening we met with the other classes upstairs. First Taya taught us a new dance from NZ based on a song called Oceania. Then we got into groups according to continents and then countries. The photos will be put on a collage and available for all to see.
We also learnt how to make Hokey Pokey which is famous in New Zealand especially in our Hokey Pokey icecream!
As part of our unit on Migration we made a time line after watching the movie of Feizel, a mouse who migrates from Russia in 1885 to America. The timeline covered the main events that happened in Feizel’s journey and what would have happened to many migrants at that time. The children posted these on their websites.
We had a fun afternoon learning about and making native Australian and New Zealand animals in preparation for International Evening.