There are two big events to write about this week. One was last Thursday’s annual school Sports Day at Sohar Aluminium (SA)’s football ground. Several hundred students and parents attended the event, which has been held at SA for several years, due to the excellent condition of the pitch that easily converts to a running track. The event ran smoothly and every race was ‘competed and completed’ on schedule with lots of youthful energy. This year’s competition was won by the “Green Leopards”, who, as their name suggested, proved to be great runners. Thank you to Mr. Carberry for all the preparation required in setting up an event like this away from the school’s site.
The second great event was the Cabaret on Wednesday night. We are still buzzing from seeing such great performances from the students (and adults too). Teachers will tell you that one of the most motivating parts of our job is those moments when students amaze you with their development, courage or skill. Last night there were lots of moments when students shone with the way they danced, sang, played their instruments and performed, some of them performing in public for the first time ever. Both events are perfect examples of the school’s mission statement where students are encouraged to reach their ‘full potential’ and to be ‘challenged’ and ‘involved’. Thank you to Amy Camp and Abby Brewer, in particular, for leading this spectacular event.
Today, our new Student Council organised a Pyjama Day to generate some school spirit, and they raised 125 Omr for the Maher charity. We look forward to donating this money in June when Grade 10, 11 and 12 students visit the children’s orphanage in India.
Featured photo is a great game of dodge ball in a morning Advisory session this week.