It was a pleasure to see so many parents at the Three Way Conference on Wednesday. Personally, I found the conversations and feedback helpful and highly constructive – we really value the ‘teamwork’ approach that we can take with our parent community. Should you have any questions or issues whatsoever, then please contact either the teacher concerned or myself. As a consequence of their recent progress report, students will be reviewing their goals next week to see where they are at and how to go forward.

We have both a basketball and swimming event coming up next week.  Mr. Carberry will keep you posted on specific details so that you can lend your support to the students and our growing sports programme. All the best to our young competitors in these events.  In connection to this, the new ASA (After school Activity) programme will be announced shortly so please encourage your child to be as involved as possible.

Please be aware that one significant area of development this year is early morning and after school study. As a rule, responsible Secondary students can come in to school to study from 7:30 am EVERY morning from Sunday to Thursday. They can also stay and study EVERY day (including Thursday afternoons) until 4:45 pm. This time can be used for revision, personal organisation or homework completion. The only rule is that it has to support progress in school.  i.e. no video games or comics.  If you have any questions please contact either myself or Miss Marchmont, who is helping me organise this programme.


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