I hope you all enjoyed the three day weekend. I had a great time in Dubai on a course and have many new ideas to use the the class!
This week we have continued our Artistic Expression unit through many hands-on activities. I gave the children some pictures and asked them to group them in some way. The only rule was they were not allowed to speak while doing the sorting. Once they had finished they then rotated around other groups to see what was the same or different. They were then allowed to discuss and make changes to their own pictures if they could justify themselves.
I also introduced the children to Maori art fromNew Zealand. As eyes are often the key way in which we view things we drew some Maori faces with tattoos known as moko. The children were asked to make the eyes stand out in some way. They have posted their own on their websites.
For maths we learnt how to play Number Battle. This involves choosing three cards and adding or multiplying them together – depending on the skill you are trying to teach. The children had to add their numbers together either by partitioning or using working form.
We spent some more time with Miss Celine working through the events that happened at Sohar Port and afterwards. This week the children were asked to recall their most significant memory and draw it on the timeline. We also painted our clay pots that we made last week.