It was great to have a good turn out for the Parents Information Evening this week. 33 Parents were present and had the opportunity to talk to teachers and hear about what students are learning, how they are assessed, and how they can support from home. We truly value the partnership between our parent community and the school, as it is vital to our common goal:  the development, growth and success of students. If you couldn’t make it due to an unavoidable engagement, or being double-booked in the Primary school, we have prepared an information booklet for you.

Though it is best to make an appointment due to my busy schedule, I have an open door policy and am always to happy to meet with parents to share information, get feedback, or hear of any concerns. Please feel welcome. In my experience most concerns dissolve after a good two way conversation. To enable these sorts of conversations, I will arrange a coffee morning with you in a few weeks.

As with a number of other companies and residences, we have encountered some issues with our Internet provider this week, and have been working on a solution to dramatically increase the bandwidth supply and make our network more efficient. Fortunately, our are flexible and have a plan B for lessons at times when we are having such issues beyond our control.

We very much look forward to book week next week and especially the exciting range of events students will participate in.

Have an enjoyable weekend!

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