Amazingly, we have already reached the end of week two. Students are continuing to settle in well and find their feet, especially those who are new, which is pleasing as it is really challenging to join a new school where virtually everything is different to the last one you were in. ABIS has a friendly community of students and parents, so we are sure all of our newcomers will feel welcome. Last year’s Grade 6 (now Grade 7) have also made a great start.

Though I was teaching at the time, I heard that the recent coffee morning was an enjoyable occasion and that many new parents were present. I hope to make myself available to enjoy a coffee and a chat with you at a later date.

The focus in homerooms this week has been ‘organisation’, which we regard as an essential skill for success in school and life in general. Our pastoral leader, Mrs Marchmont, has been leading this area and students have been completing a self-review of their organisation skills. Though we will be returning to this area at several times over the year, we are grateful if you can support this initiative from home.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you all at the Parents Information Evening on Wednesday (at 6pm). The format of the evening will enable you to hear about what students are learning in each subject in each grade level. The other areas covered include home/school communication and student expectations. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and meet all the new teachers.

Finally, a sad farewell to Roche Rabie, who has been with us at ABIS for four years. We wish Roche and the Rabie family all the best in Muscat.

Have a fun and relaxing weekend.

Leo Thompson

Featured image courtesy of ‘Learning Fundamentals’


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