It’s been a very good start to the school year for the Secondary School. We have quickly found our rhythm and new teachers and new students have settled in well and the energy around the place feels really good. Students have told me that they are really “happy with” and “like the new teachers”, which is positive news as we all know the importance of healthy relationships in education.

There are lots of developments taking place and we are already feeling the impact of Sohar’s industrial growth in the school. We already have nine new students in the secondary, as well as last year’s Grade 6, so we are making full use of our current space. To reduce pressure, we have created another classroom for the use of Secondary students to go to and will purchase more teaching equipment, such as LED screens and whiteboards, etc. We also made a substantial investment in terms of Diploma course materials, as we seek to strengthen and enrich our expanding programme.

We are now able to offer IGCSE Music, IGCSE Coordinated Sciences and IGCSE Global Perspectives to Grade 9 students, which gives our students up to 11 IGCSEs. Two years ago we only offered 7, so it is clear that students have more opportunities than ever to add breadth to their personal development and education. This is all important when establishing a base for them to plan their eventual careers. We can now offer IB Diploma Biology and Chemistry, which enables students to becomes vets and doctors.

There are lots of exciting and interesting events this year, which I will share information about in coming weeks, but this first post of the year is really just to welcome you back. I also extended a greeting to our new parents and am sure you will be made to feel very welcome by the ABIS community.

One important date for your diary is Wednesday September 17, which is parents information evening where we will share information about learning this year, our expectations for students, and how you can support from home. It is also an opportunity to meet the new teachers. We hope to see you there!

Please be aware that the secondary school will send home our ASA (after school activity) information on Sunday for students to select their early morning and after school activities.

Have a relaxing weekend!

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