This week’s featured image shows Grade 7 seemingly sleeping in class. In fact they are in action with Mr Savoie playing a French learning game called ‘Catch the Werewolf’. The point of the game is that they are detectives using (and improving) their French speaking skills to figure out who the werewolf is in the group. I observed that the students were so involved that they didn’t want the lesson to end. That certainly wasn’t my experience of French at school.
This week Grade 7 & 8 handed in their second personal project of the year. Due to the fact that they can choose the form and topic of their project, there is a real variety of projects ranging from physical creations, to decorative objects, magazine covers, to videos, to music and artwork. We promise to put it all on display in a mini exhibition towards the end of the year.
We look forward to seeing you at the school this coming Monday at the Student Led Conferences.