We have already reached the end of semester 1 so this week students have been reflecting on the semester and what they have learned, what went well and what didn’t go so well, and, more critically, how to improve. This information will be captured as part of our reports, which they will bring home in a few weeks.
I really enjoyed the Grade 7 and 8 recital this week. Having been a nervous performer myself in my younger years, I know how scary it is for many students to get up there and perform in front of their peers and I always feel for them. Nevertheless they still did it and did it well. Well done grade 7 and 8 and thank you for sharing your talents. Thank you also to Miss Camp who is doing a marvellous job in developing the students musically. As most of the audience consisted of K1,K2,K3 and Grade 1, our 7s and 8s must have given a good performance to stop them running off!