I hope that you had an enjoyable and restful holiday if you were lucky enough to have one. In our morning advisory sessions this week we have encouraged students to remind themselves of their targets and goals, we have reminded them about what it is to be an active/proactive learner instead of a passive learner, and we have reminded students about the expectations of our dress code. Please note that in the near future we will be holding a dress code review and inviting the opinion of our community as we are considering how to improve our current dress code policy. Until then please ensure that students do not come to school with: blue jeans, showy or large jewellery i.e. no ‘bling’, large logos or graphics such as cartoon images. They should also be dressed in a combination of the ‘big four’ colours which are blue, white, light brown and khaki.

We have also reminded students that mobile phones should not be visible or audible, though they are permitted to use them to call home with a teacher’s permission. On a separate note I recently read this article about the importance of dinner table conversation and I would like to share it with you.


I wish you an enjoyable weekend and look forward to seeing you this Wednesday (22nd January) at the Oman week meeting starting at 6pm. We have some very exciting trips planned for this year.

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