Dear parents,
Much of the conversation in Secondary this week has been around how students can be more active learners rather than passive learners. Active Learners are ‘engaged’, involved, participating, independent, challenged, inquiring, and in control of their learning. On the other hand Passive Learners are uninvolved, spoon fed and not in control of their learning. They just sit back and wait for the teacher to ask them questions or set them tasks. Our observations are that not enough students in the SLS are active learners. There is clear research that shows that students who are Active Learners do much better at school and university (and in future employment) than students who don’t.
We have challenged students to:
a) learn everything as if you have to teach it.
b) test yourself as often as you can to see what you remember and know.
c) take notes in every class and not just what the teacher tells you to write down, but interesting information.
d) get involved in class, answer questions and ask questions.
e) Google, Google, Google things you don’t know.
These are very good conversations to have at home as we work together to assist students on their journey to becoming more active learners who are in control of their own learning.
Have an enjoyable weekend in these splendid temperatures!
Leo Thompson